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Create white theme for NetverestTools.
Application: NetverestTools
Type: Feature
Allow to reuse data which already exists in database for foreign key columns. This way when selecting foreign key column it will be NO longer required to select missing table, because you can reuse data from database.
Application: DataGenerator
Type: Feature
It will allow to create your own generator(with your own custom logic) in separate assembly and load it in DataGenerator. The only required thing would be implementation of ICustomGenerator interface which will give you access to many information and other values in record, so value in one column can be dependant on other columns.
Application: DataGenerator
Type: Feature
Create NetverestTools as a separated application. You will be able to use it without visual studio but options like code editor analyzers won't be accessible. It will be powerful tool if you work on client computer or remote desktop where visual studio is not installed.
Application: NetverestTools
Type: Feature
Allow to drag & drop generators from list of all generators to selected generators and reorder them by drag & drop.
Application: DataGenerator
Type: Feature
Add support for older visual studio versions like: 2012/2013. There won't be Code Editor analyzers, because those versions don't support Roslyn.
Application: NetverestTools
Type: Feature
Option to create scripts for all tables in one file. You will be able to copy this file and run it anywhere, however there won't be parallelism during script generation because all tables has to be written to one file, so it will take longer to generate this file.
Application: DataGenerator
Type: Feature
Support for Sqlite databases in NetverestTools.
Application: NetverestTools
Type: Feature
Create NetverestTools as a Sql Server Management Studio extension for easy and fast queries.
Application: NetverestTools
Type: Feature
Allow DataGenerator to change output to Xml or JSON, so all data will be generated in mentioned format instead of SQL script.
Application: DataGenerator
Type: Feature
Create community 'Storage' for generator dictionaries. Everyone will be able to upload dictionary to this storage, for example one person will upload dictionary called 'Countries' and then someone else can search for this dictionary, download and reuse it.
Application: DataGenerator
Type: Feature
Option on 'Select view' which would hide all tables and columns which are not mapped by Entity Framework. It might be very useful when working with smaller services which uses only few tables(bounded context) which are a subset of whole databse.
Application: NetverestTools
Type: Feature
Visual Basic is also using Roslyn, so it should be possible to implement all features of this extension in visual basic projects in visual studio.
Application: NetverestTools
Type: Feature
If you notice differece in data when running select query on other than default environment(example: Dev is missing few records because it wasn't restored for some time), then you can create sql script with all differences in just one click! It would work only for returned data, so max number of records would be 50 because of SELECT TOP 50 in query statement.
Application: NetverestTools
Type: Feature
In debug, if variable is mapped to table then it will compare data in all columns to data in variable properties. Example: we are debugging and there is Update() method, we press F10 to step over this long method and in this place by pressing one shortcut you can easily see if all data from variable properties were properly saved to database. Any differece will be immediately shown to you, so you can straight away investigate what is the issue.
Application: NetverestTools
Type: Feature
Better support for Entity Framework inheritance. Example: We have parent class 'Animal' and child class 'Spider' which are mapped to two different tables and you want to see data in 'Spiders' table. By pressing ctrl+D+S you will automatically see results from both tables, because those tables will be already joined. It will make work with table inheritance much easier.
Application: NetverestTools
Type: Feature
Better support for Entity Framework 'many to many relationships'. Because EF allows to create Many to many relationships, which in reality creates 3rd joining table. This information about EF mappings can be used to create 2 joins in one click instead of two separate joins. It will be much easier for domain experts, who don't need to know about 3rd joining table and how SQL works.
Application: NetverestTools
Type: Feature
Support for Oracle databases in NetverestTools.
Application: NetverestTools
Type: Feature
Support for MySql databases in NetverestTools.
Application: NetverestTools
Type: Feature
Use Entity Framework mappings to produce even better results for missing foreign key analyzers. Because EF can have differently mapped table or column names, moreover if you are not generating your database from EF model then it can even use navigation properties which are not mapped to foreign keys on database but those information can be used to make those analyzers more precise.
Application: NetverestTools
Type: Feature